You are currently viewing 3.1 Most Reluctant Convert: with Max McLean as C.S. Lewis

3.1 Most Reluctant Convert: with Max McLean as C.S. Lewis

It is my honor to interview the great Max McLean on his role as C.S. Lewis Onstage in The Most Reluctant Convert for the New Season 3.1 of LogicallyFaithful!

He is an award-winning actor and founder and artistic director of New York City-based Fellowship for Performing Arts.

Max adapted for the stage The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis Onstage: The Most Reluctant Convert, The Great Divorce, Genesis and Mark’s Gospel. His recent writing and producing credits include Martin Luther on Trial.

UPDATE: Max recently completed a movie on this very issue in Oxford! We look forward to that production.

As an actor, he created the roles of Screwtape in New York, on national tour and in London; C.S. Lewis in The Most Reluctant Convert on national tour and in an extended 15-week run in New York; Mark in Mark’s Gospel; and Storyteller in Genesis. Max received the Jeff Award—Chicago theatre’s highest honor—for his performance of Mark’s Gospel.

He has been nominated for four awards from the Audio Publishers Association for his narration of The Listener’s Bible. His creative work has been cited with distinction by the New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal and CNN to name a few media outlets.

In this podcast we cover the conversion of the most cited writer in the 20th century, and my favorite author C.S. Lewis. It is fascinating!

For more information, go to Fellowship for Performing Arts