Killing God
Killing God offers an engaging look at atheism, in both its historically famous (e.g., Freud, Marx, Nietzsche) and contemporary (e.g., Dawkins, Harris, Dennett) forms. It is intended for young people, ‘millennials.’ The book is fair-minded and comprehensive in its approach–Michael Thune, PhD, Professor of Philosophy, Joliet Junior College
Dr. Sweis has produced a masterpiece; a highly readable, well-ordered, logical analysis that evenly outlines the conflict between atheism and theism. His style is artfully nuanced and, befitting a scholar with his credentials, he provides balanced information for both sides of the argument. Beautifully written and a “must read’ for those with a serious interest in this controversial subject.

Christians Apologetics
Christian Apologetics: An Anthology of Primary Sources makes available over fifty primary source selections that address various challenges to Christian faith in the history of Christian apologetics. The compilation represents a broad Christian spectrum, ranging from early writers like Saint Paul and Saint Augustine, to Saint Teresa of Avila and Blaise Pascal, to more recent and present day apologists such as C. S. Lewis, Alvin Plantinga, William Lane Craig, Richard Swinburne and Pope Benedict XVI. Insightful introductions, black-and-white images, concise section headings and discussion questions guide readers toward a clearer understanding of classical defenses of Christianity.
Debating Christian Theism
Comprising groundbreaking dialogues by many of the most prominent scholars in Christian apologetics and the philosophy of religion, this volume offers a definitive treatment of central questions of Christian faith. The essays are ecumenical and broadly Christian, in the spirit of C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity, and feature lucid and up-to-date material designed to engage readers in contemporary theistic and Christian issues.
Beginning with dialogues about God’s existence and the coherence of theism and then moving beyond generic theism to address significant debates over such specifically Christian doctrines as the Trinity and the resurrection of Jesus, Debating Christian Theism provides an ideal starting point for anyone seeking to understand the current debates in Christian theology.

Logically Faithful
Logically Faithful offers a vast array of resources for growing your faith and mind to take on the world, including a community of likeminded young christians, blogs, podcasts, videos and more!