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2.28 Walking on Water in the Storms of Life

What you will find in this video/audio interview will blow you away! Join me as we look deeper into what happened on the water that day with the brilliant Sam Shamoun. It will transform how you see storms in your life.

This is an interview with Apologist Sam Shamoun who does an analysis of John 6:16-21. In this interview, you will see the remarkable clarity and brilliance that the Gospel of John has to human life and how to navigate the storms of life. Jesus walks on the water in the storm, but he does not stop the storm right away…he lets it rage in the dark. Why does he do that? Sam Shamoun is a native of Kuwait. Shamoun is a frequent contributor to a prominent Web site dedicated to challenging the teachings of Islam at Additionally, he engages in debates as an informed apologist refuting accusations and attacks leveled against Christianity. #Theology#apologetics#Jesus#Hope