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2.12: 3 ways to deal with Uncertanity​​ with J.P. Moreland

No purpose to life, no meaning, no hope?

There is no meaning to life. “The universe has at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference.” — Richard Dawkins, River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life

Do you believe what Dawkins wrote? Well may do not believe it, but many do feel it! In this podcast, I talk with JP Moreland on feeling that life has no meaning and what to do about it!!

J.P. Moreland’s is my guest on this podcast today. and author of many other books including one of my favorites Love Your God With All Your Mind Having earned a B.S. in chemistry from the University of Missouri, an M.A. in philosophy from the University of California, Riverside, and a Th.M in Theology from the Dallas Theological Seminary prior to earning his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Southern California in 1985. He currently holds the title of Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the Talbot School of Theology at Biola University in La Miranda California and is a member of the Board of Advisors for the Center on Culture and Civil Society at the Independent Institute. Moreland’s work combines metaphysics, philosophy of mind, chemistry, and theology, and he is known for his defense of the existence of God and the supernatural, as well as “Old-Earth” creationism (a form of creationism that is somewhat more compatible with modern science than the “New-Earth” version)

Today I am talking about doubt with JP. He lays out 3 basic things you can do when in doubt .

First, distinguish between intellectual doubt from emotional doubt. Remember doubt is part of growing in faith. Unbelief is opposite of faith not doubt. Its when you set your self against wanting to believe in and trust God. Keep looking and asking questions. Don’t panic —its normal to doubt.

Second, Consider if you have emotional blockage or something in your past (abuse, drama, death, divorce) blocking you from attaching and trusting others. Get a therapist who can guide you o do this well if necessary.

Third, Practice the discipline of gratitude every morning. When you are disappointed with life and blame God….remember all the good in your life now. Speak words of hope to your soul daily. Contemplative prayer is one way to do that, writing them down helps, or just verbalizing them. Make time to do it.

On a personal level, I play great music to bring my soul and work out, or talk a walk. The I pray and mediate.

What do you do with doubt?